Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo! Answers ( is a place where people ask questions
and other people answer them. In return they get points. The points that they get can
be used for asking more questions; they have no real world value. However, this is an
amazing way to get your queries answered, because you are mostly asking experts to
help you out with things that you don’t know.

This is also a great place for marketers because they can flaunt their knowledge. If
someone asks a question pertaining to your line of business, you can answer them
and improve your credibility. You also get business exposure, which is the most
important thing, because you can post your business link in the answer you provide.
If you have a Yahoo! account already, you can use the same for your Yahoo! Answers
campaign. You have to merely search for questions (which you can do with
keywords) and then post your replies on them.
Make sure that your replies sound like an expert’s view on the subject. This is a great
way of convincing people about your expertise; don’t let it pass by.