Traffic Methods Part 8

Email Marketing

Email marketing is based on lead generation. Leads are people who have done some
activity on your website or on an affiliate website – such as downloading an eBook or
adding themselves to an opt-in list or subscribing to a newsletter, etc. – and have
given their email id in the process. The email id is called as the lead. The collection of
all these people is known as the list.

The actual process of email marketing involves sending informative content through
email to these people on your list. The emails have to be content-rich, providing them
something of value and very subtly nudging them to perform some further action,
such as visit your website for an offer or a free gift. Though the eventual intention is
selling the product, it is not done blatantly in email marketing.

Email marketing brings in a lesser flow of traffic than other methods generate.
Despite that, marketers use this method prominently. The main reason for that lies
in the fact that the low traffic brought by this method is all targeted traffic. The
people who have opted in to become part of your list are people who are interested in
your list. It is very easy to get them to convert. This is the method they refer to when
they say – “Get the customers to come to you; don’t go to them yourself.”
But, the success of this method lies in your email. You have to take care that you
provide something of immense value that these people can use. These can be:-

→ Some latest news about the industry
→ An easier way to do ordinary things related to the niche
→ A set of tips, pointers or guidelines
→ A short but effective how-to guide
→ Directions for getting freebies and discounted offers within the niche
→ Success stories of other people
→ Motivational material
… and so on.

 People are looking for such information on the Internet anyway. When
you send this directly to them in their inbox, your credibility increases. Not only do
you get traffic, but you also get repeated traffic and conversions.