Social Media Tactics Part 1

Over the last 5-7 years, a new breed of communication has
emerged: social networking. These media sites offer the ability to
network in ways that the more traditional message boards never could
manage. If you are not familiar with social networking at media sites,
here are some of the tactics people are using today to make money
through these important resources:

1. Start with Twitter. If you have never done social networking, this is
easily the most basic of all the current popular sites. Registration
takes no more than a few minutes.
2. Fill out your Twitter profile. It will give you the appearance of being
a permanent participant, and help you build credibility more
3. Post some links. They can be to the articles you have posted around
the Internet that track back to your web site, as well as to pages on
your site.
4. Do some searches. Use keywords to find other Twitter users that
may be potential clients. Use the follow feature to create a
5. Follow everyone who follows you. It can bring you in contact with
others who follow them and possibly increase your follower base.
6. Post something daily. Even a short comment with a link will do
nicely. The more you post, the better chance you have of expanding
your Twitter network.
7. Vary the posts. Don’t simply copy something you posted before. Mix
it up, or your posts will look more like spam.
8. Ask questions as well as make comments in your tweets. It will
possibly stimulate some cross posts that lead to promoting your
web site.
9. Respond to any private messages. They could lead to a sale.
10. Have fun with the site. Once your get the hang of Twitter, you
may be surprised at how many contacts you can make, and how
they increase your site traffic.
11. Set up a LinkedIn profile. Be as precise in what you do and what
you sell as possible.
12. Add a picture to your profile. LinkedIn users range from small
business owners to freelancers to corporate executives. All of them
like to see who they are doing business with.
13. Include background information that will generate hits. This
includes schools attended, past employers, and anything else that
you have done in your life. You never know what will lead to a
14. Search LinkedIn. Find other people that you have some sort of
connection with, such as a high school, college, or past employer.
15. As part of a another search, use keywords that have to do with
the type of products you offer. You may come across people who
work with companies or in fields that could use what you have to
16. Always respond to queries or messages your receive from other
LinkedIn members, even if they are general queries. They may pass
your web site address on to other people if the two of you get
17. Check out other profiles for ideas on how to present yourself.
You may come across something that would work very well and
increase your visibility.
18. Update your data from time to time. If your LinkedIn profile
appears active, it will draw more attention.
19. Post a link to your LinkedIn profile on Twitter. It will help
increase your LinkedIn network as well as your Twitter followers.
20. Devote a few minutes each day on LinkedIn, actively looking for
new contacts. People sign up every day, so there is always potential
21. Set up a Facebook account. Spend some time getting to know
the various features on the site.
22. Fill out your Facebook profile. Include the same data as on your
LinkedIn profile, including links back to your web site.
23. Search for other Facebook members to connect with. Look by
location, school, workplace, or any other criteria you can imagine.
24. Make friends. Send friends requests as well as approve any that
come your way.
25. Check out the groups. Search by subject to find groups devoted
to subjects that have some relevance to your product offerings.