Traffic Tactics Part 2

26. Issue press releases. If they get picked up and mentioned in
sales blogs or print publications, the publicity can lead to wider
recognition of your web site.
27. Participate at Yahoo Answers. Look for questions that are related
to the subject matter of your information product and respond; be
sure to include a link to your home page.
28. Create a video and publish it online. Even a simple five-minute
video in the form of a newscast will generate interest. Post it on
sites like YouTube.
29. Set up profiles at auction site. You can also direct sell your
product there, as well as include your site’s URL in your profile.
30. Distribute a free ebook. Just like the free mini-course, make sure
the content includes links back to your products.
31. Have a contest. People love them, and will spread the word to
other people they know.
32. Use social bookmarking sites. Post links to your blog and your
web site, so people can follow them and buy your product.
33. Sign up for Twitter. You can follow and be followed, and posting
an entry takes no time. You can also include links.
34. Don’t forget social networking sites. Places like FaceBook, and
MySpace are great ways to connect with people and generate some
35. Sign up with business networking sites. Sites like LinkedIn can
put you in front of people who would be interested in your product.
36. Set up some link exchanges with sites offering products that
complement but do not compete with your products. The cross
promotion will help everyone.
37. Add an RSS feed to your home page. When you add more copy,
people who subscribe to the feed will know immediately.
38. Sell on Just like the auction sites, you can move
product and direct people to your web site.
39. Set up a reference system on your site. Consumers can register
and get credit for any referrals to the site that lead to a sale.
40. Buy email lists and launch a marketing campaign. Make sure the
list is qualified, and keep your copy for the email slick, clean, and
with at least two links back to your home page.
41. Add a translation button to your home page. This will make it
possible to broaden your potential client base, since your site is
user friendly to a wider range of people.
42. Use online classifieds. Many of them cost absolutely nothing.
43. Set up splash pages. These simple one page web sites are great
for directing traffic back to your main web site.
44. Consider a snail mail campaign. These are still effective and can
generate interest. Include specific instructions on how to get to
your web site.
45. Partner with another entrepreneur. By combining resources, both
of you can cover more ground and market both your sites to better
46. Write an eHow article. Make the subject matter something to do
with your ebook and then include links back to your page. You’ll
also earn a little money from ads as a bonus.
47. Join online entrepreneurial groups. You can pick up some good
tips on how to present yourself and your product while also
increasing your visibility.
48. Join a local chamber of commerce. Have your web site address
appear in the chamber directory.
49. Add an "About Us" page to your site. Search engines love these
and index them fairly quickly.
50. Keep your site free of popups. People don’t like them and will
leave your site and never come back. Instead, use links to help
people navigate around your site.